Thursday, August 19, 2010

Heartburn: A photographic essay

We found this purportedly delicious snack, and I knew I had to try it. It tasted like a stale chocolate donut full of sour kahlua wrapped in shame. Barf. I had two bites and heart burn for two hours.


  1. You mean it tasted like Tofu? - Dad

  2. More like the opposite of tofu, made by aliens. Who hate me.

  3. I believe that the Idaho Spud has shown great promise as an incentive for electing euthanasia in all profiles, including otherwise healthy adults. Vacationing seven year old boys and pets seem to be the only groups immune to it's powers of persuasion. The boys seem to be able to eat an endless amount of them as long as there's milk to wash them down, and the pets simply won't touch them.
