Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pre-Show: Do you Believe in Magic?

 Fun fact: I hate magic.  Our "hosts" were Emily the Queen of the West (QOTW), and Bill, "Old West Prestidigitator." He entertained the masses while the show geared up, as did pedobear here.  I mean "Teddy."  During the preshow, a bunch of kiddos went on stage and got wands and listened to the Queen of the West sing in her culottes.  The emcees helped move the parts of the show along, and mostly Bill told jokes about his "wife," because WOMEN!  AMIRITE?  Ugh.  Lizzie and I immediately got down to the important business of figuring out the behind-the-scenes extra curricular activities, and we decided that QOTW was boning the skinny blonde Burning Hills Singer (you shall see him in subsequent photos) but tries to work her magic on the other singers as well, and the band members too, because why not.  Bill struck us as a dirty old man (sorry, Bill) and we imagine the women being forced to tip toe around his trailer (which is missing two wheels) but he and QOTW go way back, if you know what I mean.  Gurl, you do you.

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