The show finished up with more singing and dancing, and CLOGGING! I LOVE CLOGGING! Sweet, sweet clogging. There was also a lot of Teddy Roosevelt love, and a ghost rider up the butte (who was not Cowboy Lyle, but he took down the flag) and more singing about how the spirit of North Dakota is like a fire inside. (Try an antacid--I get like that if I eat a doughnut.) At the end a streamer canon went off, and America blew its load all over us, and Nana turned to me and said "well, girls, this isn't the best ending we've ever had. Usually there are fireworks." So Nana gave the ending a thumbs down, but it was a good time, regardless. TIME TO LEARN HOW TO CLOG. I'm starting now.
I blame the lack of fireworks on the sequester.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you had a Beatrice to guide you on this journey. That lady sounds delightful. I also love it when locals do the tourist-ey things in their area. Either that or the producers are paying them. Spirit of capitalism.
That is a good call. You've actually been our "cred" on this trip, Tina. Every time someone asks us where we're from and we say "Boston," we get a suspicious "why are you here?" stare. Then I say "I have a friend who lived in Spearfish and she told me I needed to see this." and they relax ever so slightly.