We made it to Duluth without killing any animals, and we were greeted by beautiful Lake Superior. We touched it (YAY!) and then had dinner, and the food was so fresh and wonderful. When we had arrived at our hotel, the desk clerk offered us suggestions of places to go, and they mostly consisted of the Texas Road House chain restaurant across the street. What? He was hard selling that business, and when we looked less than impressed (and there are tons of lovely local restaurants in Duluth--this is not an East Coast snobbery thing) he told us we should go to an Irish pub downtown because they're the only bar that "really knows how to make a long island iced tea." Okay, this is kind of an East Coast snobbery thing, but, Long Island Iced Teas are not exactly rocket science. His biggest complaint was that some places use too much vodka. AS IF THERE'S SUCH A THING, AMIRITE? We walked the Lake Walk, which featured the canal bridge here, and also a lot of hipsters playing banjos. Off in Wisconsin (on the far side of the bridge) it was raining, so we decided to turn back at the lighthouse.

The cement building below is "the Cribs," or Uncle Harvey's Mausoleum. The building has more legend than actual history, and was thought to be a booze or gambling site back during prohibition, but was really designed to be a sand and gravel hopper. Unfortunately Uncle Henry didn't bank on the lack of demand for sand and gravel, or the strong currents of Lake Superior, so his gravel and sand business failed, and now, according to the myriad of passersby, the building is used by teenagers, who climb up and jump off of it. According to google, a teenager died here after jumping off back in 2012, so don't do it. There are a lot of rocks here. Lizzie and I tried to skip them, actually, and it turns out that Lizzie is way better at skipping rocks than I am. So sad. Also, I
sang this song like, a million times.
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