Monday, January 28, 2013

The Ballad of Randy

Hello, and welcome to our balcony.  Please, come, sit by the live plants which oddly seem faker than plastic ones, and partake of some equally plastic diet pepsi...

As mentioned, Saturday night we stayed in Nashville.  As we checked in, I said to Lizzie, "I wonder how many of the folks who work here are trying to make it big in 'Music City.'"  Later that night, tired and bedraggled, we were having dinner in the hotel, and, okay guys, try not to take this personally, but we were talking about our friends and family, when our waiter came up and said "Oh!  Are you casting a show?"  Sorry that our waiter thought you all were so weird that you obviously had to be characters in a show. 

Anyway, this confirmed my earlier suspicions, and I had to say that, unfortunately we were not casting agents, and just had really colorful friends and family.  I asked him about his career aspirations, and he told me he had written his first screen play at the age of five, had been an extra in a ton of movies, and had even been featured in American Idol rewind.  I had been joking about the high levels of vitamin c in my cocktail, and he said that he was taking more vitamins so he could look good for his upcoming headshots. :( :( :(

Okay.  C'mere and sit next to Nana Shannon.  You are a charming, lovely, and intelligent person, Randy.  However, the entertainment industry is cruel, and I'm afraid the fact that you, with your wonderful personality but average looks have not succeeded yet and are now in your thirties does not bode well.  I know--it's not fair.  I'm in my thirties too, and it's shocking that, given my spectacular talent as evidenced by the video in the earlier post, none of the casting directors whom I waited on while working at Friendly's offered me a career in Broadway.  I am not saying that you need to give up on your dreams all together and drown yourself in the faux Opryland waterfalls, but I am saying that all the vitamins in the world are not going to turn you into a leading man, so maybe it's time to refocus those dreams a wee bit. 

Good luck and God speed, Randy.  I'll look for you in an upcoming episode of Nashville, as charming waiter #5.  Maybe I can be drunk customer #8...

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