Post title credit goes to Ivana.
So as you fair readers may recall, there is a rift between our two fair cities of Boston and Vancouver, based on a little Stanley Cup incident in 2011 when the Bruins defeated the Canucks. There was rioting in Vancouver, which is very American of them. (Also, on the way to Canada we saw a bald eagle, and we had to go through the George Massey tunnel which we renamed the "Canadahan Tunnel" because it looked like the Callahan tunnel in Boston. Taking over one step at a time USA USA USA). Ivana and I decided to embody our hockey differences below, as we walked the Canadian Trail, which paid homage to the various provinces on the way to FLY OVER CANADA which was a magnificent ride where (after a very Canadian safety video) you simulate flight (over various parts of Canada) while you get shot in the face with pine scented Febreze to simulate the piney misty smell of the Rockies. AHHHH. It was amazing, and Ivana has a spectacular picture of us "simulating flight" in front of a green screen, and once she sends us the electronic copy, it is so going up on the blog whether she wants it to or not. Gotta give our fans what they want, you know?
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