After our stroll down beautiful Alaska Avenue, we decided to go see the Hiram M Chittenden Locks (aka Ballard Locks) which is a series of, well, locks that prevent sea water from Puget sound from mixing with the fresh water of the adjacent lakes, and to move boats through from the level of the lakes to the level of the sound. The parking lot makes you think you're about to be stabbed, maybe by a squirrel, but when you walk in, it's actually a very beautiful park with a lovely garden (and apparently bumble bee nests) which you pass through to get to the locks (and fish ladder, which helps the salmon run through when it is go time. They were not running while we were there.) What was there when we arrived was a boat going through, and we got to watch as they moved it through. Apparently the rich boat dude did something wrong, because the lock keepers (official term) kept yelling at him, but we had no idea what was happening so we just stared, creepily. O_O WHAT'S GOING ON. Well, the boat made it through, and we made it back to the car without being stung by bees, or stepping in dog shit, so it was a win all around. I could stay there all day watching this process because I am a nerd. Also, why hasn't there been a Grey's Anatomy episode about someone being trapped in the locks? Give me a call, Shonda. Let's work this out.

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