Post-Blackfoot, we headed south east to Soda Springs, ID. Show of hands--who spent many a happy hour playing the Oregon trail in elementary school? As many of you know, the Oregon trail game was designed to give young people an opportunity to name members of their party after people they hated so that they could kill them along the strenuous trip west. If you don't know who my sign is referring to, I seriously can't believe I haven't told you yet, and next time you see me, ask and I'll clue you in. In any case, we eventually found the Soda Springs geyeser, which turns out is man made, and goes off every hour. It smells of rotten eggs, and I am evil and hoped that the pigeons sitting on the rock would get owned when the geyeser erupted, but they're smarter than that. Sigh. Well, it was fun driving the "Pioneer History Byway", and we even got to caulk and float Maudelet over the Snake River. Lizzie wanted to ford it, and we might have been able to make it, but the word caulk is fun, so why fight it? After Soda Springs, we drove through the mountains, the foliage slowly changing from desert scrub brush to lush forest as we made our way to Wyoming, which is where we are right now. We saw some fawns and their Momma, but were glad they decided to stay on the side of the road rather than take on Maudelet, because she would've lost, hard. Also, we passed a series of roads called "China Hat ct, China Hat ln, China Hat st" etc, which was creepy.

A short story about dinner. We ate at this fabulous bistro in Jackson, WY called the Rendezvous, and I wish my friend Bendta could've magically transported to join us, because her talent at describing delicious, delicious food is legendary. Lizzie and I both had soup (she a cold cucumber and avacodo, me a spicy tortilla number) and thai pork lettuce wraps, which wer emade of awesome. We both contemplated licking our plates, but we didn't want to embarass ourselves so we can come back if we pass through here again. We both also had cocktails, me a mango-coconut martini, Lizzie a delightful bellini. Oh, maybe I also had a chocolate espresso martini too. Note: The tables at this bistro are covered in butcher paper the patrons can color on, so Lizzie and I played hangman. Lizzie is a total cheater, and would draw multiple limbs when I would get one letter wrong. I am sorry that I am a hangman rock star, and didn't get executed once, but pretending the little guy on the gallows has genetic disorders that fused his two arms into one doesn't cut it.
Also, this is the first place I've ever been that served frog's legs. They were apparently fried in a buttermilk batter. No thanks.
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