We escaped Columbus (and that ho, Modine) and made it to Wyoming. We drove into Cody, which is an adorable little western town named after, of course, Buffalo Bill Cody. Here you could buy a pair of cowboy boots for the low, low price of $3500, try on some chaps, and drink your iced coffee so fast you get a stomach ache. Guess which one of the three Lizzie and I did? After Cody we made our way to Meeteetse, as an author Lizzie fancies (Craig Johnson) was giving a reading.
Meeteetse is another teeny little town, population 350, on the Greybull river. It boasts two motels, the one we stayed at being the above pictured "Oasis" (the other was "Vision Quest". Yikes). Also within its one-block downtown is a couple of restaurants, and an oddly out of place fancy chocolate/coffee shop, called "The Chocolatier", where the reading was.
The Chocolatier is apparently a big deal, and is run by a rather fetching cowboy looking chap, though he seemed a little too into his own big-fish-in-little-pond status. The reading was fun, the author a good story teller, and very charming. We met his wife, who is, oddly, from Connecticut, and who went to Wellesley College. One of the characters in Craig Johnson's books is a woman who swears like a sailor, and that particular trait is based on his wife. Us New Englanders like to cuss.
After the reading, we went to the gas station/convenience store to pick some stuff up, and the clerk asked us if we were staying at one of the ranches. We said no, and she said "Apparently two English girls took a puppy from around the corner" and we were bemused that she thought us English. Then we were like "Who takes a puppy?" Anyway, there wasn't time to dwell, as the Cowboy Bar/Restaurant across the street was calling us. It requires its own post...
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