Per the earlier post, a snow storm had routed our plans of touring Colorado first and then New Mexico, driving us south until one of the hotels Lizzie called reported back that it was, in fact, not snowing in Santa Fe. Santa Fe is a lovely city, full of adobe, overpriced turquoise and iconography. We visited a couple of museums, most notably the Georgia O’Keefe museum. It was a whole lot of awesome, but the best part was that Georgia seems to be in denial. When asked about the pretty obvious correlation between her art and what I like to call the lady parts, she was like “hell no you guys are all perverts those are just flowers”.
a) Flowers are reproductive organs. Next time your honey gives you a bouquet, think about the fact that you are getting a bunch of plant crotches. Sure, they have both male and female parts, but still, plant crotches. Ask my friend Bendta, she will tell you. They have ovaries. Look it up on wikipedia.
b) COME ON GEORGIA O’KEEFE! Has she just never looked, or is she playing some sort of trick on us? Note in her progression, she goes from painting “flowers” to painting “skulls and flowers”, which obviously represent the uterus.
Anyway, little did I know that this visit would inspire me two years later to write an award-winning haiku at my friends' (the aforementioned Bendta and the now-mentioned Sarah) art-snob party. (The award was a wizard’s hat. They told me I am a 4th level wizard of pretension.) Here it is, so the rest of you can bask in my
Georgia O’Keefe says
Flowers are not vaginas
Open your eyes, bitch
Thank you.
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