The tumbleweed blowing by is a popular cinematic trope used to illustrate barrenness, boredom, jokes that fall flat, etc. Lizzie and I spotted this fine specimen (right by mod Maude, our rental PT Cruiser) on a Pueblo in New Mexico, which was sort of empty. Is tumbleweed typecasting not just limited to their roles as movie actors? Are they hired/forced to roam about the earth indicating that your conversation is really tedious, or to call attention to eerie emptiness? Is it an Ancient Mariner sort of thing? How do tumbleweed(s) feel about this stereotyping? I feel these topics need to be explored in a new film, preferably a musical, where a plains tumbleweed goes to the city, pairs with a trash cyclone (you know, those magical wind-whipped mélanges of detritus usually located in corners or alleys consisting of candy bar wrappers, plastic bags and desiccated leaves) both learning from each other and discovering a rich inner self allowing them to explore who/what they are beyond the confines of their assigned societal (or cinematic) functions.
These are the things I think about, and these are the things Lizzie gets to listen to as we drive for hours. Luckily for me, not only does Lizzie listen to my ideas and theories, she expounds on them, always providing keen insight on logistics, such as proper tumbleweed lighting, etc.
Please list any thoughts on songs for Tumbleweed: The Musical! In the comments section. Any songs used will be credited to their respective composer.
Dust in the Wind?