Fun Fact: If you feel like you are going to be sick on a bus, it is important to think ahead and bring the paper "for soiled lady products" bag with you.
The bus ride back to our hotel was a decidely horrific experience. The Amalfi coast road (which I will get to in a subsequent post) is windy and deadly with a precipitous drop on one side, and formiddable rock on the other. It's so curvy that drivers have to honk while going around corners so as not to ram into one another. I alternately felt feverish and freezing, and suddenly Lizzie started to look as bad as I felt, and I realized (duh) that I didn't have a hang over, we both had food poisoning. Yay. Gary of course yakked about food the whole ride, and then told this story about a person on his tour who hit his head, split it open, didn't realize it and crawled into bed subsequently bleeding for half the night (he was okay after 17 stitches) but I am already a squeamish mofo, and I thought I was going to die. The only thing Lizzie and I consumed in common was some water at a beautiful little restaurant in Ravello, which we now realize was probably tap water. There must've been some unfamiliar bacteria in it, and so, we have spent the past seven hours cycling between being passed out in bed, or crawling to the bathroom to dry heave. This is depressing, as it is beautiful out, and our room has its own patio. I really hope this bastard works its way out of our systems by tomorrow, because, as you know, it's my birthday, not my barfday, and I prefer not to spend it jockeying with my buddy for primo toilet position. I haven't eaten in nearly 12 hours, and there has not been even the slightest nod from my stomach that, perhaps some dry crackers would be okay. This is not encouraging. Time to dwell on our previous adventures.
P.S. The above picture shows the poisonous water. As Lizzie could probably tell you, that pizza may look delicious going down, but not so much coming up. Mine had anchovies on it. Yeah.
:( :( :(