Completing the Franklin 500, Lizzie and I headed back North. Next stop, Italy!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Your weiners look beautiful in this moonlight
Anyway, the Moonlight House of Weiners. We found it again pretty easily, and perused the menu, deciding, obviously, on weiners. (The place smelled of them, and dozens of the questionable meaty beauties
High School's Over
Lizzie and I went to Oak Street Elementary, which is actually just two wings of the high school. We’d occasionally, on our way to the field house, pass by some of the BIG KIDS who seemed somehow even older than our parents. It was bizarre coming back as the big kids (after a three year hiatus) and even more bizarre coming back now. As we rounded the circle drive in front of the main entrance, my throat tightened a little and the old fear resurfaced. High school was decidedly unpleasant for me, for while I excelled academically, as I possessed the triple threat of being poor, fat and nerdy and therefore was quite the failure socially. Lizzie and I had many of our AP classes together, but we never seemed to line up PE, meaning that the majority of my Physical Education was learning that no one wanted to be badminton partners with me. (Terrible, isn't it? I assume I'm going to win some sort of journalism award for that heart-felt revelation). Things turned around for me, as they do for many people, in college, and now look at me, sliding devil-may-care down the banisters. WHEEEE HIGH SCHOOL! THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE!!*
*No they're not.
Reginald Beaverton's Swimming Hole
My mother wanted to know why Beaver Pond was so named. She assumed it had to do with the rodents, but wasn't sure. She certainly didn't want to ask such an embarrassing question herself, so she bade me to make an inquiry of the lifeguard teaching us how to swim, as I was just a little kid, and who would mind if a small child asked a silly question? I asked away, being a giant sucker, and the lifeguard worked hard, but failed to suppress his laughter. I was indeed assured that there had not been a Reginald T. Beaverton III who had donated the land to the town, and that it was, in fact, named after the rodents. There was also laughter at the double-entendre at the word Beaver, and oh-ho-ho maybe it was lady swimmers who gave it that name, but I was too young to be aware of those implications at the time. Beaver Pond had a moment in the spotlight a few years after my beaver question, when Kenneth Sequin dumped the bodies of his two young children there after brutally murdering them. Sometimes I wish that I believed in Hell, as Kenneth deserves a nice warm corner of it.
Your Monuments are so Meta
Where's our Bell you Cheap Bastard?
Franklin is home to the nation’s first public library. Back in the day, the town founders were like “yo, Benjamin Franklin, we’ll totally name our town after you, how about a gift? We’d like a bell, please.” And Benjamin (who was knee deep in French Harlots) was like “Here are some books and a pithy quote instead, Sense being Preferable to Sound”.
The books are still housed in the library, which was one of mine and Lizzie’s favorite haunts. It also had NAKED LADY PAINTINGS, which are also a draw. As Lizzie and I were wandering through the reference room, we spied a rather scurrilous looking man on one of the public computers, and we decided that he must be looking at porn. We circled behind him, pretending to look at books pertaining to leasing laws in Massachusetts, and were disappointed to see he was just checking his Yahoo mail. Booooring.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
He's the (Horace) Mann
Get Thee to a Nunnery
Mount Street Mama, take me home
States of Snark: Hometown Edition
Lizzie and I met in Mrs. Hawisher’s kindergarten class. I clearly remember her crying her little heart out on the first day of school, probably because she had some prescience and knew that our new teacher hated children. Mrs. Hawisher, turning her cool gaze first to the crying Lizzie, and then to the rather nerdishly eager me, gave me a little shove in Lizzie’s direction as if to say, “Make that Stop.” And though I will forever detest Mrs. Hawisher for putting me in the corner after I got upset because Tommy Robillard stole my crayons (she wouldn’t let me out until I spelled “brown” correctly. That is a hard one for a five year old. Seriously, I have a fucking steel-trap memory; you commit an egregious infraction like stealing my crayons, and I will remember that shit until the end of time, or until I get my revenge) I am forever grateful that she chose me to comfort the sobbing Lizzie, because we've been bffs ever since.
Magically, Lizzie and I, turns out, lived a mere five minute walk from each other. Here is the intersection of Mount and Upper Union Streets. (Quick, it’s time for the ‘what would your porn name be’ game—your childhood pet and the street you grew up on—I’m Fuzzy Mount, nice to meet you.) It was a rather idyllic section of Franklin, and we spent many an afternoon wandering through the woods and looking under rocks for salamanders. Exciting, no? Please enjoy our trip through memory lane. Look out for the high tension wires.