These are cell phone pictures. Not bad, eh? So remember when I said I like to think of worst case scenarios? Well this area has no cell-phone reception, no power lines, etc, so I said to Lizzie "what if we came out of the gate, and it turned out that the apocalypse had happened and we were the only two people left?" We spent the walk strategizing how we'd survive, which stores we'd hit for what supplies, where we'd go, how we'd travel, etc, etc, as the thunder rumbled ominously in the distance. We were still on this topic when we got back to the car, and started on our way to Athol to get gas. In Athol. Athol is known for having gas, so we've heard. Athol. Heh heh. After we got gas (in Athol. heh heh) we looked around for post 6 mile walk refreshments, when all of a sudden this horrific beeping came out of no where. It sounded like a weather bulletin, but the radio wasn't on. We had a mystery on our hands! The beeps always went in a series of 6, with the first and fourth being of longer duration. At first we thought the radio was picking up some sort of (alien?) static, and then we thought it might be a police signal (we saw a bad car accident) and then we thought it might be a car problem, since it happened after we'd filled up the tank. We came up with different theories, stopped to tighten the gas cap, etc, but nothing made the beeping stop. There were no warning lights, and I checked the internet for instances of similar happenings, but nothing (except for one guy who thought a series of 6 beeps was coming from INSIDE THE
HOUSE GARAGE) We stopped to get some diet coke, and after turning off the car, IT HAPPENED AGAIN. SPOOKY. Actually, it turns out that Lizzie has a new phone, and the phone was reporting National Weather Service bulletins via the loud beeps that overrode the phone's silent mode, so we were sort of right, and sort of horribly wrong. There's severe weather in Athol, everyone, so be aware. MYSTERY SOLVED LIKE A BOSS. We admired our intrepid investigative skills, and learned once again that causation does not necessarily mean correlation. We probably would've been less freaked out if we hadn't just been preparing for the post-apocalypse.
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