I was traumatized, and spent much of day two of the rodeo reminiscing about the time a bear ate my head (though to be fair, if I were a bear, I would totally gnaw on someone's skull). This was the finals of the Finals, so we got to see the cowboys get their gold buckles. One poor kid got bucked off and stomped by a bull, and they had to take him out on a backboard. Turns out his arm was fucked up (that is the medical term) but it could've been a lot worse (he could've gotten his head eaten by a bear, for instance). I also managed to fall down the stairs on the way out, but for once my scrawny (I mean massive) bicep was able to keep my more substantial ass from careening all the way down, so it just felt like I'd been racked for a few minutes. It's not my fault, guys, I'd been nearly mauled, and the trauma threw off my balance. I was probably having a flashback or something.
After the rodeo we went to old Vegas, and had some gross Chinese food. Since our flight was so early the next day, we couldn't really stay out late, but I've heard there are lots of bears in old Vegas, so it's probably better that way. I'm just surprised we were allowed to leave, since not one of us gambled the entire weekend. Luckily they're building some casinos in Massachusetts, so we won't have to go far to pay our "bad at math and calculating odds" tax.
Watch out for the bears, y'all...