Today we had many adventures! We went to the duck race in the morning, and then Lizzie and I took off for the day while Erin stayed at home to catch up with the rest of her family who had arrived for the last day of the rodeo. First stop was the Geographic Center of the Contiguous 48 states. Now faithful readers of this blog will know that Lizzie and I went to the 4 corners a few years back, and faithful readers will also know that one of our favorite commenters, my Dad, has vociferously contested that achievement, as new surveying has led to the discovery that the actual 4 corners border is a few miles from the monument. (Screw that, we are not going back there.) Since our 4 corners experience was a lie, we figured the next best thing we could do was hit the geographic center of the 48 contiguous states.
It was about a 45 minute drive from Phillipsburg out to Lebannon, where the site is located, and on the way we spotted a sign on the highway that was like "OMG GEOGRAPHIC CENTER." We screeched to a halt, ran out, ready to take our picture with the sign, but then we read it, and it was like "Hey, just kidding, the actual Geographic Center is like, three miles away in a park." We (maturely) took our pictures flipping the sign off, and then continued on our way.
We made it to the real geographic center, and it was seriously awesome. There was a monument (of course) and also a Baptist chapel, where we celebrated our geographical acheivement by taking respectful photos in said chapel

Are you sure it was the 'exact' center? You know how people like to claim things! 4 coners and such! Good thing you were staying with Erin, I can hear it now. Like excuse me can we stay at the ball o twine inn? Fraid knot.
Do you think they built the chapel because people like to get married at the geographic center of the contiguous 48 states? Or do they like to be buried there? Also, is it considered rude to call it the center of the "lower 48"?