We left New Orleans pretty early in the morning, making a quick stop at Louis Armstrong's park. Poor Louis' park is not looking good, probably because there's not a lot of money to maintain it, with all of the other infrastructural repairs that need to be made to the city. After the park, we took Basin street (word) out to Highway ten past the Gulf of Mexico, and then North up 55 to Mississippi. It was a pretty damn long drive, so we put Maude's top down, and cruised in style. By we I mean "me" and by "in style" I mean that I'm not so much of a lady as Lizzie, who worked diligently to keep the wind from kicking up her skirt. I let nature do her thang and except for when we were driving by truckers, let the wind kick up whatever she wanted to. One problem, now I have a pretty hilarious sun burn on the top of my thighs--just the tops. Bright-ass red. Good times. We're burned pretty much all over, but that's what stands out the most on me.
Also, does anyone know if you have to pay an extra charge if you sweat excessively into your rental car seat? I hope that's a negatory.
KUDZU! I knew that there was a big problem with Kudzu out here, but Lizzie and I were absolutely shocked by the kudzu army taking over the vegetation. It swallowed up trees, fields, utility poles, anything in its path, but the creepiest part is that after it engulfs one of its victims, say, a pine tree, the shape it has is that of some weird insidious looking topiary sculpture. I don't think goats alone will be able to solve this problem. The kudzu ended where the fields and farm plantations began, and we saw some serious crop dusting and combine action on our travels.
For the kudzu maybe they should use some of the herbicide that was used at Rabb. You'll be pleased to know that the weeds are dead but standing upright which looks worse than live weeds.